Monday, September 26, 2011

A new week, a year older!

Again, sorry it has taken so long for me to post a new one!  I hope you guys had a great weekend!  My week last week was pretty busy.  I ran to Waco every day to finish the week out.  Somebody hit my truck #24 when it was parked at the yard.  But it was an easy fix - nothing a few bolts in the bumper to put it back in place couldn't fix.  With that, I thought I'd put a few pictures of #24 on here since it's been back to my first few posts when I had #24 in it! 
Parked at the yard.  Lots of antennas, huh?

At the fuel island at the Wes-T-Go truckstop in Tye, TX

New Construction at the Wes-T-Go.
See the differences in the buildings?  The old one is on the left.  The old white painted cinder blocks.  The new construction on the right with stucco and austin stone.  Should be pretty nice once completed!  See all the new tires for sale in the foreground?  Take a guess at what a new tire costs!!  Just one. 

The steel mill in Midlothian is on a voluntary shut-down.  That means that they won't take any scrap until October because they have too much and aren't producing new steel fast enough to get rid of the scrap.  That's the general reason.  I'm sure there are more reasons that are more complex, but that's the general idea.  That means I won't be making any Saturday loads into the DFW metroplex for a while.  I actually had 2 days off this weekend, the first in several months.  I got to watch my Texas A&M football team lose.  It was close, but sadly - they lost. 

I got to hang out with my baby Lindsey.  She's walking all over the house now.  She chases the dog down and pets her.  She pulls all of her toys out and makes a big mess!  We joke that once she's in bed, it looks like hurricane Lindsey came through!!  She's so cute, though. 

I have a birthday on September 26, Monday.  We celebrated it on Sunday with some VERY good home cooking and a friend brought over his 4-wheeler and we rode it around a bit.  I got some new jeans, a belt, and some cards from family.  It was a good time.  I'm now 32 years old!! 

I got your bar graph!!!  Wow, you guys are learning some cool stuff!!  Bar graphs are very useful and are found in news articles, business proposals, financial information, and all kinds of applications.  Looks like you guys are pretty busy around the house!!  Awesome!  I'm glad you guys are chipping in and helping out.  *high five*

chores pic.JPG

I will be going to Waco all this week and I'll try to learn more about the towns I go through & share that with you!  I will also be going to Guymon, Oklahoma this weekend if the steel mill in Midlothian is still closed. 

OKLAHOMA?!?!?  I own a home in Oklahoma.  Back in April I was working in Oklahoma and moved back to Texas - where I love.  I was a plant manager for a feed mill.  We have had our home on the market up there for quite some time.  I am going up there to replace some sheet metal on our back porch and check on things.  My wife & I are VERY ready for that house to sell!!  It's hard being an absentee owner!!  We would really like to take the money we make off the house and use it to buy some farmland or a house out here for ourselves.  We really like living in the family farm house, but we would really like to have something of our own here!! 

I will send updates if/when I take that trip to Oklahoma and tell you a little bit about Guymon!  I hope you guys had a great weekend!  Remember - I want some guesses on the price of a new tire!!  I'll give you a hint.  A new tire for my truck is $230.  It's a size 265/75/17.  My wife's suburban takes a 245/70/16 size and it was $200 for just one.  My truck's tire sizes are 295/75/22.5 and 11R 24.5.  Maybe you can do an average of your guesses??  I'm looking forward to hearing from you!  --Mr. Walker

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