The votes are in!! I'm surprised at the things you guys think I would bring onto the farm. Piranna? Jackalope? Hippo? Moose? You guys crack me up. I have to admit, we already have bunnies on the farm. They are wild. I don't really own them. Jackrabbits and cottontails. They love to sneak dog food if Bailey doesn't finish her dinner. So, without delay... our new addition is:
Grumpy |
It's a horse! Meet Grumpy. My dad had Grumpy out in Sierra Blanca, TX. He picked him up in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Grumpy is actually very nice & gentle. He is old enough to vote. I'm not completely sure how old, but I'm guessing he's older than 18. He is a
team roping rope horse. He is a bay horse (that's a color). Pretty good article
here on horse colors. He is good on heels or head. He's a lot of fun to rope on. He's eating what grass we have left along with a 12% protein sweet feed and some alfalfa pellets to supplement our poor forage (grass). He drinks out of one of our water tanks. One of them has this HUGE old goldfish my mother put in there years ago. He was the only one to survive and he is about a foot long! We haven't named him. Any suggestions? Each of you guys come up with 2 names for my goldfish and Mrs. Walker & I will take our favorites & have you guys vote on it!
So, I saw this:
This truck was licensed out of Moriarity, New Mexico. That's just East of Albuquerque, New Mexico. (That's a hard one to learn to spell. My dad still can't spell it, he just puts down ABQ - the airport code) I saw the driver, and told him I liked his truck. It had a brand new trailer on it and he was empty. He pulled up right next to me at the fuel island in Tye, TX. See #24 on the left?
Truck 24 took a dive last night. It has a major computer problem (ECM - Engine Control Module). It would only let me speed up to 55 MPH last night on the way back from Midlothian. It took 5 1/2 hours to get back!! It is at the shop right now in Snyder. I will be working local picking up scrap from a demolition of an old power plant in Colorado City, TX just 20 miles South of Snyder for the next few days. Hopefully I will have pictures for you.
What it felt like! AHHHhhhh.... |
I hope school is going well for you. Spring Break must be coming up soon! Please be safe during the break and try to enjoy your time off!
Safe travels if you guys are going somewhere!
--Mr. Walker
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