Well, as you can see, I haven't posted a new blog since the first part of March. I went into the hospital with an asthma outbreak and pneumonia. I was coughing and wheezing very bad. I went to the doctor on a Monday, and after an hour with the doctor I was being told to go to the hospital. I was in the hospital for 6 days. My oxygen levels were very low and I had to be on constant oxygen the whole time I was in there.
This is the hospital I was at for 6 days here in Snyder, TX. |
I do NOT like being sick. I really don't like being stuck somewhere like the house or a bed. Some people really like laying around and doing nothing all the time but it drives me up the wall!! I was sure happy to get out. I worked for about 5 days and I got sick again. This time, I have a viral infection an I've been off since Wednesday. Hopefully, if I'm feeling better, I go back to work on Monday.
My new trailer & computer with Truck 24 |
The steel mill is closed right now as they are performing a computer upgrade plant-wide. So, I would be going back to Waco like when this school year started. A few new good things about my truck: It has a new computer! Now all my gauges work all the time. I got my trailer back from when I laid it over at the steel mill! I got my AC ducts cleaned out so they don't have any old dust or dander in them anymore.
I did get a bolt in a tire one night. That's the tire guy's truck in the background & the bolt in my hand. |
I have been able to do a few chores around the house. I've fixed a few things up & rode Grumpy a few times. I've played a lot with Lindsey which is always fun. She is sure talking a lot!! She likes to go outside with me. Almost every time, she goes out to the front yard and yells, "Grumpy! Are you?". She's wanting to know where he is. She likes watching him graze on grass.
I will try to get back on a better pace posting my blogs. I'm sure happy to be out of the hospital & I'm looking forward to getting back to work! I think Mrs. Walker & Lindsey will be happy to see me at work and not at home bugging them all the time! I hope you guys had a great spring break. I look forward to healthier days! --Mr. Walker
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