Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Empty Weight answer...

Sooo..... last post, I challenged you guys to guess my empty weight.  Did everybody get an opportunity to make a guess?  I hope so, because - here it is!!!

Did anybody guess 38,360 lbs?  That's 19.18 tons.  38,360/2,000 = 19.18 tons!  Still pretty heavy even when it's not loaded.  The top number is my total or GROSS weight.  It's how much total weight the truck was with the load.  The bottom number is the load weight.  38,840 lbs.  That's 19.42 tons! 

I'm allowed to haul a total of 80,000 gross pounds (lbs) legally.  I have an overweight permit (I'll try to get you a picture of it) that allows me to go up to 84,000 legally on certain roads.  There are some loads that never even get close to that weight even though their trailers are totally full.  Loads of things like bread, pie crusts, plastic bottles, mattress', styrofoam, electronics, paper plates, and vegetables!

Speaking of electronics, do any of your guys play on a Wii?  (We have a Wii, my wife loves playing Super Mario Brothers!)  Or a Playstation 3?  Or an Xbox 360?  Ever bought anything at Best Buy?  Ever thought of how it gets there?  Well, truck drivers get it there for you! 

Best Buy truck just East of Abilene on I-20

Did you guys have a great Labor Day weekend?  Did you guys do anything fun?  I watched some football, and worked around the house.  I had plans to get some other stuff done, but I didn't get all of that done.  I did make a run to Midlothian on Friday night.  I picked up my nephews Dillon (7th grade) & Dalton (6th grade).  They wanted to ride with me all summer, so I met their dad (my brother) at a Whataburger that has truck parking in the town they live in (Clyde, TX) and they went with me.  They both got really tired & both of them slept most of the way on my bed in the sleeper.  But it was sure nice to see them, since I didn't get to see them much this summer. 

I took another load of shred to Waco today (Monday).  It was awful chili this morning!  A cold front came through here on Saturday night.  It never got out of the 70s for a high on Sunday here in Snyder!  It felt soooo nice after highs in the 100s for several months around here.  Monday morning when I left for my load around 5AM, it was only...

48 Degrees!!  I sure love cold weather.  I actually had to run the heat a little bit in my truck today.  Such a nice change from the norm!!

So, I've got a math problem for you guys.  I figured we can do some good math things that have to do with trucking since I've already started on you the weights!!  Take a look at this next picture...

This is part of the pump when I was all done pumping diesel fuel today.  It shows 2 of 3 things. 

$407.20 - total price paid. 

106.624 - gallons pumped.

What it doesn't show is how much the diesel was.  Price per gallon.  It's a pretty easy math problem, and I'm sure you guys can figure this one out.  Price per gallon can be written out like this:  Price/gallon, right?  Sooooo.....  If you take the price, then do the math sign divide (/) and then the gallons, you should get it, right?  Simple enough!!  Should look something like this:

$407.20/106.624 = price per gallon!! 

Let's see if you guys can get this one.  I know you guys know multiplication and division.  This one is pretty big, so if it gets a little confusing, I'll allow the calculator on this one!!  I'll get you guys some more real live problems that are much easier next time.  Let me know what the price per gallon was, I'll post the entire picture of all 3 figures next time!  Also, let me know who was closest to my empty weight & how far off it was.  I also want to know who was farthest away from it & how far off it was!!  Send me your figures at:  robbieroywalker@gmail.com  Until then, see you guys next time!!  --Robbie

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