Well, I feel really bad for getting your hopes up on me visiting. I've been sick for about a week and a half. I tried last week to get in to the doctor. I finally got in on Tuesday. They put me on a cough medicine, antibiotic, and advair. I hate the feeling of being on a lot of medicine but I am feeling a whole lot better. Still coughing much more than I like, but breathing much better. I have had some form of pneumonia three times in the last 4 years. So, I thought I had better get on top of this!
The steel mill has been pretty well this week. There is a major surplus of trucks with crushed cars coming into the mill. They are coming from as far as Nebraska, Illinois, Missouri. That's an awful long ways to haul to a shredder. There must be a reason for it, but it sure makes it slow getting scaled into the mill.
Looks like this on busy nights trying to get into the steel mill. |
So, Spring Break is coming up! Do you guys have any plans? I never really did much on my Spring Breaks. My parents owned a ranch & a business so we worked during the break. I hope to try to get to your school & visit soon. I will be in touch with Mrs. Hnizdo on the visit! I hope you're having a great week. --Mr. Walker
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