Thursday, November 3, 2011

Assignment done!

My assignment on Brazos County is done!  I hope you guys like it!!  How did your reports go?  I'm sure you guys probably did better than I did!!  I hope you turned yours in on time unlike me.  I did have a lot going on.  So, let's catch up....

I hope your homework isn't doing this to you!

I got my truck 24 back!  It has a new Air Conditioner compressor.  It also has a new starter and fires right up now!  Truck 9 was a good one and treated me well.  I have been getting into a good routine at work.  I've been leaving around 8:00 - 9:00 PM and getting back around 6:00 - 7:00 AM.  It's been dark still when I get home.  It makes going to bed easier when it's still dark instead of being light out!  Have you ever tried to go to bed when it's still light out?  It's hard!

Truck 24 and my trailer (#122) has had some tire troubles.  Hauling scrap is probably one of the most demanding on truck tires.  We drive over small pieces of metal and have to back up to large piles of scrap.  Most of my tires have small pieces of metal stuck right in them!!  It started when one of my trailer tires went flat and came off the rim.  It got patched and I went on my way.  Later in my trip back to Sweetwater it went flat again!!  The patch came off.  The tire guy came back out and put a different tire on it.  Another one was leaking on my trailer and I was having to fill it every other night to top it off.  It got replaced as well. 

Some bad tires and how it would be caused.

On my truck, I had one go bald on me.  My shocks on my truck have been out since I've been in it.  It makes my truck ride rough and can make my tires go bald.  So it got replaced as well.  It sure feels good knowing I have three tires that are in much better shape. 

Did you know - truck drivers call pieces of tire on the highway "alligator"?  "Watch for the alligator Westbound at mile marker 344 in the middle and right lane." - would be something they would say.  Funny, huh. 
 I have cows on the farm again!!  The farmer that farms the cotton on our farm is using some of our haygrazer to graze some of his cows for a while.  They won't be here long, since there's not a lot for them.  Just enough to hold them over for a while.  Since there isn't much feed around here it was good for him to have somewhere to put his cows for a while. 

Black baldy calf
Well, I'm off for another run.  I hope you guys are having a great week!!  The holiday are coming up, what are you doing to get ready?  --Mr. Walker

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