Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Quick update...

So, I had a pretty wild weekend & start to the week!  We took a few loads to a place near I-30 and Loop 12 in Dallas on Friday and Saturday.  It's such a change from going to Waco.  MUCH more traffic!!  In fact, on Saturday - I saw a LOT of traffic around the new Cowboys stadium from all of the football fans going to the Texas A&M/Arkansas game. 

Monday, I headed off to Waco for another uneventful trip.  I got there & dumped and headed back.  I was in Valley Mills, TX and started to smell diesel fuel.  I just passed a gas station and I thought maybe that was what I was smelling.  The smell got worse.  Uh-oh.  I looked in my mirror and saw everything on my trailer seemed wet!  Then, I looked down at the road and I saw a trail of something liquid following me.  OH NO!!  I had a fuel leak!!! 

So, I pulled over and as soon as I got out, you could see it everywhere down the side of the truck and trailer.  So, for fear of starting a fire - I shut the truck off.  Diesel fuel can be very flammable.  Since my truck was running at about 185 degrees, I thought I would try to eliminate that ignition source as soon as possible!!  After looking around for about 5 minutes, I found the problem.  A fuel line going from my fuel filter assembly to my engine block was broken.  I had to get towed back to Waco. 

 I will get you guys pictures soon.  I'm acutally writing this in a big hurry. 

My routine is changing!!  I am going to Midlothian for the rest of the week!  I heard that the steel mill is paying better for shredder material, so we will be taking it there for a while.  I'm actually loading up my wife & baby girl and they are going with me!  My wife's family lives in Midlothian, so they are taking a ride to go visit family for a few days.  So, we're getting all packed & ready to go!!

I hope you guys had a great weekend!!  I'll get you more pictures up very soon!!  --Mr. Walker

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