So, someone thought it would be a good idea to show you guys my routine & schedule since it's about normal so far this month. So, here goes...
Wake up 12:30pm - 3:00pm
Breakfast/Lunch - my wife is a very good cook. But my first meal after waking up is usually leftovers from lunch.
Is this what you look like when you wake up? |
Chores - wake up - 6:00pm
Chores are usually working on the house, cleaning and organizing. It seems to be never ending since we moved here in May. We went from a 3 bedroom 2 bath house with a garage to a 2 bedroom 1 bath house. So, there's a lot of organizing to do! This is when I take my shower, too.
Supper - 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Again, Mrs. Walker is an incredible cook. She keeps me very well fed.
Family time - 7:00pm - 8:00pm
I usually play with Lindsey. Maybe watch the start of a football or basketball game. Sometimes, Lindsey goes to bed around now & I get to help her go 'night-night' as she says.
Leave for work - 8:00pm to 9:00pm.
Since it's cold, I will let my truck warm up for about 10 minutes. Then go from Snyder to Sweetwater. Takes me about 35-40 minutes.
Pre-trip Inspection - 9:00pm.
I will start the truck first. Check the oil, coolant levels, the tires, the lights, and air lines. I will start my log book for this trip and pull out of the yard. Lock the gate behind me and head down the road.
1st stop - 9:30pm
Wes-T-Go Truckstop in Tye, Texas. I will use the restroom and get my coffee. If I need to add air into any tires, I'll do it here. They also have a tire shop in case I need a tire.
Arrive at Steel Mill - 12:30am - 1:00am
I will scale in, go to the inspection shack, wait to get my instructions on which place to dump my load after inspected and paperwork filled out. Dump my load, get in line to scale out, scale out, and I'm on my way!
Coffee Stop #2 - 1:00am - 2:00am
There is a Love's truckstop in Midlothian, TX. I will catch my logbook up and use the restroom if I need to. I will get my coffee again and head back West.
Interesting Coffee design. I drink mine black. No cream, no sugar. |
Fuel Stop - 4:00am - 5:00am
Wes-T-Go truckstop in Tye, TX again. I will get anywhere from 95 to 130 gallons of diesel depending on the truck. It takes me about 20 minutes or so depending on how busy they are. And YES - sometimes I have to wait in line at 4:00AM to get fuel. They can be busy all the time. I will get a cup of ice water and head West again!
Sweetwater yard - 4:30am - 5:30am
I will do my post-trip inspection, catch all my paperwork up and put my truck in position to have it loaded and start my pickup and let it warm up. I will lock the gate behind me and head home.
Snyder yard - 5:00am - 6:00am
I will drop my paperwork off in the drop box. Sometimes I have to drop off keys or other items.
I'm home - 5:30am - 6:30am
I will quietly come in the door. Drop off my lunch cooler, hang up my coat, and get ready for bed!!
Schedules and routine are important for everyone. Does your family have a routine that you guys do daily or on the weekends?
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I'm having trouble finding my past few blogs, I don't know if there was an error getting them posted or not, but I'm going to keep doing my weekly blogs at a minimum. Hope you guys are having a great January!
--Mr. Walker
This past snow storm earlier this week dropped a few inches of very wet snow! We have had more snow than many parts of Minnesota!! |