I had a great weekend!! Wow! I hope you guys had a good one too. There was football on TV, Rangers did well this weekend, all kinds of stuff in your city going on. Here's a quick run-down on my weekend.
Friday went poorly for me. I had a late start, then I had to get a truckwash (my company filmed a commercial on Monday - more details on that later). I had to wait in line 3 hours!! On top of that, my air conditioning went out earlier in the morning. Oye! It was a hot one, too. I got back to Snyder around 6:30, it was a very long day. Needless to say, I didn't get to leave for my parent's house because it was too late.
Saturday, we left Snyder at 5:00 AM! We were up at 4:00 AM just to get going that early. It was cool, we stopped at a doughnut shop right after they opened and they had TONS of them out and they were all very fresh. We saw the sun come up and it stayed very cool the whole ride there. We stopped at a feed store in Van Horn, TX to pick up some horse feed for my dad's horses. We got there at 10:30 my time, but it was 9:30 there.
Huh??? Where my parents live, it's in the Mountain time zone. Soooo.....when it's ooohhh say 12:00 Noon in Snyder or in Fort Worth, it's only 11:00 AM there!! Cool, huh? I'm sure you guys will be learning all about time zones in school.
So, Saturday we roped. I am trying to get pictures up, they will be up very soon! It was a lot of fun. I used to do a lot of that when I was your age! It slowed down in High School since we had to do more ranch work. My sister & her husband was there and their two daughters Aubrie & Emily. We ate some amazing food and had a great time watching the girls play.
Sunday, we roped again and hung out some more. The girls all swam in a baby blow-up kiddie pool. It looked nice & cool, I was tempted to jump in! I sure would have looked goofy in there with the little girls. We took my sister's husband to the El Paso airport, he had to fly to Cleveland, OH for work.
Some stuff about Cleveland:
Cleveland Browns - NFL (Colt McCoy from Texas is the QB!)
Cleveland Caviliers - NBA
Cleveland Indians - MLB
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
Drew Carey Show - based in Cleveland
Bridgestone/Firestone tire company - based in Cleveland
Home of the 1st traffic light
World's 1st city to be fully lighted electrically
Airport is a hub for Continental Airlines (now part of United Airlines)
Halle Berry is from Cleveland
On Monday, we roped one more time and then left right after lunch. We stopped in Midland, TX for dinner and then made it on home. Lindsey didn't travel so well. Mostly because she was tired & wasn't napping very well in the car. She eventually took one of my water bottles and drank all of my water, and then started smacking my elbow with it and then fell asleep holding it to her shoulder. She's pretty funny, she cracks us up!
Tuesday. Well, it started off okay. I left around 5:00 AM. I got all the way down to Valley Mills, TX just about 20 miles (guessing) from Waco and my check engine light came on. Uh-oh.
Check engine light! The oil pressure was normal, 25psi at idle. Water temperature stays around 200 degrees or lower. |
I pulled over & checked everything over. I couldn't find anything. I called the office & let them know. I went on & dumped. I started back and it started running slower. Oh no. The air conditioning was already out, now I had to poke along even slower! I got sent to the mechanic's shop in Abilene, TX on my way back. Turns out my EGR valve was stuck shut and it had to be changed out. 3 hours later, I was back in business! Too bad they couldn't fix my air conditioning! That's supposed to be fixed on Wednesday. I think there's a leak somewhere because all of the freon (the stuff that makes the air nice & cold) has gone away and it blows hot. Like 110 degrees hot!
Interesting truck I saw while at the shop. The wheel on the left is up in the air! It's called a pusher axle. The driver can 'push' it down to the ground when it needs to haul extra weight safely. This truck hauls very heavy loads. |
Tomorrow is Wednesday, and I am going to Abilene to pick up my truck - Truck 24!! It's finally ready. I saw them working on it while I was there, but they weren't quite done with it. I was going to snap some pictures of the shop, but my phone died today since I was on the phone so much with the office with my breakdown. :(
I will try to get you guys some more pictures of roping and my family and the girls playing. It sure was good seeing my family. Since we all live so far apart, it's always great to be around my parents & sister when we can. I will maybe see them all together again for Thanksgiving. Hope you guys had a great weekend. Rememeber, if you guys have any questions, you can ask anytime!